So my topic that I was stressing so much over is..... How Christian messages in non specifically Christian entertainment is perceived. I guess I'm thinking along the lines of how Owl City isn't specifically Christian but many of his lyrics mention faith and even Meteor Shower is straight from verse. Or (and I'm using last semester's bible class on this) how art isn't really art for Christians anymore. "Our" art is pastel pictures of Jesus and lambs, when there are GREAT artists out there displaying Biblical themes that aren't directly... Biblical.
philippians 2:1-4
week 1
yikes. what a start to a semester.
college schmollege.
"Now all your photos they don't have a picture frame and I never say your name and I never will."
it's 3 am I must be lonely (but really more hungry)
so after having some kinda sad posts previously, this one is completely devoted to me praising myself. :)
2. This was apparently a big deal the year I was born.
3. My favorite musical instrument.
4. A place I want to visit before I die.
5. A movie I have practically memorized.
6. Another place I want to visit before I die.
7. A show I watched as a child and actually miss.
8. What I want to be when I grew up, and am still striving to be.
9. One other place I want to visit before I die.
10. The person who said my favorite quote.
11. My favorite thing to eat.
12. Something that makes me laugh a lot.
Ok so I made a photography blog so that I can keep things separate. it's pretty similar to this one...
take a chance on me
so my friend Emily was awesome enough to let me "shoot" her for an afternoon. we had really crappy weather (well just cold wise) but the sky was beautiful and really lended it's self to some gorgeous shots.
Scripted by K-Claire at 10:12 PM 1 remarks
The resolutions blog!! cliche!! woo!!