my shin hurts. my head is pounding. my legs are shaky. and i have a sore voice. but i'm excited. i have missed the stage. the blinding lights. the not being able to talk after getting off stage because you're mic is still on. the gallons of water consumed before acts. the over-exaggeration of everything. i have missed it greatly. yeah i'm praahhhbbbbabbly not the best at it. it takes me some work and good direction but boy i come alive up there. more than any other person has ever made me feel. so when i find that guy that makes me feel this good, he's a keeper. ;)
working hard to get my fill
So I've been back on campus for 3 hours and it's just amazing how happy I am to be back. I guess that could be a lot to do with the endorphins and caffeine coursing through my body, but man besides missing my parents Murfreesboro's got nothing on Nashville.
agenda for friday:
get up at 8, pick up check, drive home, drop off things at home, get check, go to bank, meet my peeps at Toot's, shop at old navy, pack for florida, (maybe a little homework?? but who am i joking), Old Chicago for dinner, maybe a movie (?).
Anywho. I am EXCITED. 12 classes til SPRING BREAK 2010!!!!!
So my Lent thing is over I guess. I really wanted to write something everyday to push me to find something in my life interesting enough to talk about. However that mainly deals with boys and there are way too many profound things in life than boys.