
the art of living

This is the first day in a few months I've actually been cold outside. It is HEAVENLY. (this is also at 8 am :D )

I feel like I have so much to talk about now. I'm sitting at work with piles of Info cards that need to be put into the system, but I will gladly write instead. :)

5 deaths in the past month- 4 in the last week. Really makes you think about life. I know that's super cliche' to say, but this is the first time in my life so many celebrities have died in such a short amount of time. I know people die everyday, so you should really be constantly thinking about how short life is, and how you need to make the best of it. But when they are in the spotlight, and CNN and every other major media follows their last days, you can't help but sit in shock, and wonder if you will be next.

Farrah and Ed weren't that surprising, one old and one struggling with cancer, it was eminent. You know they are in a more peaceful place. And the same could be said for MJ too. Everyone's seen that he was 400 mil in debt, possibly anorexic, and struggling with trying to get back on top. And his last days weren't his saddest. His whole life was stressful, and I'm sure he's glad to be in a better place as well. Interesting though that he went out the same way as the King of Rock 'n Roll, who he was so often compared to.

As shocked as I was about MJ, I think Billy Mays was the saddest. As far as I can tell, his life was going pretty well. The face of countless products, the star of a new show, and the proud wearer of the thickest beard I've ever seen. I'm not a huge fan or anything, but I feel really bad for his family. A normally harmless bag falling from an over head compartment shouldn't kill someone. Especially after its victim has given an interview following the semi-crash and assured the interviewer that "he had a hard head." Billy, that's what got Natasha as well. How scary is it that a bump on the head could kill you in a day or two? (UPDATE) - Reports now say that Mays died of heart disease. Never really believed that heart disease was the number one killer until now...

Lately, I've also realized how quickly people change. And it's surprising what changes them. I guess I always knew that returning from college I would have completely different friends. A year away from what you were structured to be for the past 18 years has a toll on your personality. I prayed and prayed that things wouldn't be drastic, and so far they haven't been absurd, but I've definitely been disappointed. And who knows, maybe I've changed a lot as well, but I can't see it. I need to stop growing up.

I have realized that I love Nashville. Walking downtown this weekend was fabulous. I think at some point in my life I'd like to live downtown somewhere. Maybe not Nashville, but a big city. But honestly, I wouldn't mind winding up here.

Can I just take some time and say how much a miss fruit? I'm not sure there are any types now that don't make my mouth feel funny after I eat them. :( Pineapple is the least offensive, but apples, peaches, and canteloupe make my mouth explode. GRR. What is wrong with me!?

Is it weird that I think in opening paragraphs for a novel? The other night I went with Rob to his night lab for Astronomy, and was just thinking of a fantastic paragraph to grab the reader's attention when they open the book. "The heat rose up from the pavement warming my skin as I gazed up at the Big Dipper. I had always been intrigued by the constellation. It seemed to always be the one mentioned in elementary school, and was always the subject of stories. Staring up at the sky I let my mind grasp the idea that these skies were the same skies that people hundreds and thousands of years ago saw as well. The Big Dipper alone was the guiding light to lead hundreds of slaves to freedom, and other constellations had been the inspiration for our calendars, astrology, and even math. I have always been impressed how the past still holds so much for our futures."

Well, it's better usually in my head... but I know that the rest of the paragraph is usually going to suck in my head as well. haha i just need to stick with photography...

speaking of which... I am REALLY needing "models" or I guess just people to photograph. pwease?? (sad face to the extreme)

hopefully write much quicker than last time. ha but no one follows anyway, so I guess no one is hurting. :)

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