Monday I had a day off (which as hard as I'm needing to work is definitely a blessing), so I took Carter Martin out to take pictures around my hometown, Murfreesboro. I thought the results were pretty great, and this was all for practice. I know I don't have many followers, but could you possibly tell me what to work on or if you would in fact hire me as a photographer? Haha
Summer Scholars is beginning tomorrow and we're going to be kept pretty busy. I'm really looking forward to tomorrow night because me and Rob are going to a Nashville Sounds game (first ever!), and I'll finally see some fireworks. Tuesday is the midnight premiere of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince and I'm super stoked. All my favorite people are coming with me :) Even if it's going to be a very very long day. But Wednesday should be fun. We're going downtown with the Scholar kids and going to the Frist and the Spaghetti Factory for dinner. Woo free food! :D Plus I love this office. I've made some pretty great friends this summer. So it will be fun to be chillin with them and the kids downtown. As fore mentioned, I love downtown. I really would like to do another photo shoot with someone downtown, Centennial, Edwin Warner Park, and maybe Hillsboro Village. Maybe a couple or a baby/toddlerish thing (hahah :D ) next.
As of TODAY(!!!!!) it is exactly two months until 30 (?) of us depart for Vienna. I'm not even remotely close to being ready to go. Definitely have time, but it's a scary thought to be going so blindly into this. I think I'm not the only one feeling this, so at least I won't be alone.
Patagonia bag
some type of hiking pack
quick dry towels (apparently at REI)
convertible pants
more money (haha)
"For you were once in darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light." -Ephesians 5:8
2 remarks:
I want to go see harry potter with you... :(
I like your pics. :)
I like the pictures! They turned out awesome!
And are you going hiking, too? I'm hiking up Mt. Leconte with some of my friends next week and I've never done legit hiking before. Kinda nervous!
I miss you and I think we need to hang out soon, okay? <3
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