i think i could live here. as in, if i met an australian i would maybe possibly choose to stay here. the people are so warm, everyone is chill, but they care deeply about their environment and will do everything in their power to protect it. they have more kangaroos than people, have numerous coffee/tea breaks per day, and all live fairly near the beach. sure they'll tell you how the feel straight up, but if we're all thinking it, why not just say it?
australian sunsets are the best in the world.
cell phones are ridiculous.
australia is weird. there i said it.
no worries mate.
wooowee I am tired! If it's 8:11 am at home it means I've almost been up for two straight days. I did get some sleep here and there but I will be snoozing well tonight! It's currently 9:11 PM here which means Perth is 13 hours ahead of us! We completely missed out on Sunday!!
it's weird. i'm packed and ready to go to australia but i'm not nervous or anxious, it's like it's just another trip. yeah it's just a mission trip, and yes it's just a month unlike the last time i went across the world, but i think i should be a little jittery!
this is my temporary home.
yikes. what a strange couple of days.
16 days til my next adventure starts!! I will hopefully be keeping up with this blog while I'm there as well. We calculated the travel time... I think we will be traveling for more than a day... about 26 hours. So crazy that it takes so long to get to the other side of the world, but then again, it is the other side of the world...
So have you been keeping up with Glee? Isn't it fabulous? We're about 5 days away from the season finale. I'm not even sure when it's supposed to be coming back in the fall or if they're going to wait until after the Super Bowl to start. My 80 Glee songs on my iPod will have to wait that long I guess.
I'm getting really excited about so many things. But there's always so many things to be excited about. :)
i'm so sick of feeling this way. it's not healthy and it's foolish of me, but i can't help it. i hate feeling alone when i'm surrounded by people. i'm too young for this.
well it's been awhile. life's been a blur but awesome!
if someone says fly, i've simply got to!
my shin hurts. my head is pounding. my legs are shaky. and i have a sore voice. but i'm excited. i have missed the stage. the blinding lights. the not being able to talk after getting off stage because you're mic is still on. the gallons of water consumed before acts. the over-exaggeration of everything. i have missed it greatly. yeah i'm praahhhbbbbabbly not the best at it. it takes me some work and good direction but boy i come alive up there. more than any other person has ever made me feel. so when i find that guy that makes me feel this good, he's a keeper. ;)
working hard to get my fill
So I've been back on campus for 3 hours and it's just amazing how happy I am to be back. I guess that could be a lot to do with the endorphins and caffeine coursing through my body, but man besides missing my parents Murfreesboro's got nothing on Nashville.
agenda for friday:
get up at 8, pick up check, drive home, drop off things at home, get check, go to bank, meet my peeps at Toot's, shop at old navy, pack for florida, (maybe a little homework?? but who am i joking), Old Chicago for dinner, maybe a movie (?).
Anywho. I am EXCITED. 12 classes til SPRING BREAK 2010!!!!!
So my Lent thing is over I guess. I really wanted to write something everyday to push me to find something in my life interesting enough to talk about. However that mainly deals with boys and there are way too many profound things in life than boys.
the sister blog.
Scripted by K-Claire at 6:05 PM 1 remarks
Blurbs: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_Eo2M0GPni64/S4HLSHwN2KI/AAAAAAAAAF4/jPQ6G6Nc-1o/s1600-h/IMG_3076.JPG
before i head out.
my sisters are great. fact.
sing alongs
Today I've had a myriad of songs playing through my head. Namely the Arthur theme song, Can't Fight This Feeling, and Haven't Met You Yet. Crazy how some songs just get lodged into your cranium and don't let go. Some might just bring back nostalgia like Arthur, some might just be fun to sing like Feeling, and some might just be something you need to hear over and over again. This is so true with Haven't Met You Yet. Kinda the opposite of a love song, it's about knowing how excited he will be about a future love, but he just hasn't met her yet. Preeeetttttyyy much sums up my life right now.
plucking petals.
It's amazing what words can do to ease the soul or to energize it. Strange how one person can make the days imperfections and tribulations seemingly better by just a smile or a quick conversation. Interesting how it's those conversations that I think about for the rest of the day. Nothing important. Just snip its of our lives, our pasts, and our thoughts on the future. He really makes my days better, even if I don't do the same for him. I enjoy him and I'm fine with just that.
alto tones are stuck in my head
I don't think it's that I want to love him again, I just want to love. I miss investing my heart in someone. I miss comforting and helping someone, I miss delighting in each other, I miss being a part of something outside of my self.
all the world would fly like a flurry, when i take you out in a surrey!
duh moments
So I haven't written in a while and I've finally had some decent thoughts, so here goes.
philippians 2:1-4
So my topic that I was stressing so much over is..... How Christian messages in non specifically Christian entertainment is perceived. I guess I'm thinking along the lines of how Owl City isn't specifically Christian but many of his lyrics mention faith and even Meteor Shower is straight from verse. Or (and I'm using last semester's bible class on this) how art isn't really art for Christians anymore. "Our" art is pastel pictures of Jesus and lambs, when there are GREAT artists out there displaying Biblical themes that aren't directly... Biblical.
week 1
yikes. what a start to a semester.
college schmollege.
"Now all your photos they don't have a picture frame and I never say your name and I never will."
it's 3 am I must be lonely (but really more hungry)
so after having some kinda sad posts previously, this one is completely devoted to me praising myself. :)
2. This was apparently a big deal the year I was born.
3. My favorite musical instrument.
4. A place I want to visit before I die.
5. A movie I have practically memorized.
6. Another place I want to visit before I die.
7. A show I watched as a child and actually miss.
8. What I want to be when I grew up, and am still striving to be.
9. One other place I want to visit before I die.
10. The person who said my favorite quote.
11. My favorite thing to eat.
12. Something that makes me laugh a lot.
Ok so I made a photography blog so that I can keep things separate. it's pretty similar to this one... k-clairephotography.blogspot.com
take a chance on me
so my friend Emily was awesome enough to let me "shoot" her for an afternoon. we had really crappy weather (well just cold wise) but the sky was beautiful and really lended it's self to some gorgeous shots.
Scripted by K-Claire at 10:12 PM 1 remarks
Blurbs: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_Eo2M0GPni64/S0K8lYa16UI/AAAAAAAAAC8/PRrXqmEES5I/s400/_MG_9142.JPG
The resolutions blog!! cliche!! woo!!