
plucking petals.

It's amazing what words can do to ease the soul or to energize it. Strange how one person can make the days imperfections and tribulations seemingly better by just a smile or a quick conversation. Interesting how it's those conversations that I think about for the rest of the day. Nothing important. Just snip its of our lives, our pasts, and our thoughts on the future. He really makes my days better, even if I don't do the same for him. I enjoy him and I'm fine with just that.

So I think for Lent, instead of giving UP something, I want to DO something for 40 days. I know blogging is really supposed to help your writing skills, so I think I'm going to try and write something every day on here. Nobody has to enjoy it, or even read it, in fact I'm fine if no one does. Every day presents me with something new to love or enjoy or just think about. So here is todays.

Tonight really struck me with the realization that my words can cut deeper than I know. Chapel was very interesting today, very different, and very shocking. Honestly I saw what was coming from the beginning and then zoned out for the rest of it. I did not think about it for the rest of the day. But sadly it was joked about all afternoon. I think being here at Lipscomb we all think we all have the same mindset on every issue, so we feel ok just speaking our minds when we don't agree with it. As I've learned in persuasion this is called Cognitive Dissonance. Someone speaks about something we don't like and we go crazy trying to right it in our minds. Sucks, but that's the way we are.

However, after tonight I have realized we don't have to be so vocal about it all. Geez, I think about all the things I've said now and wonder who I hurt. I'm sorry.

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