the sister blog.
Scripted by K-Claire at 6:05 PM 1 remarks
Blurbs: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_Eo2M0GPni64/S4HLSHwN2KI/AAAAAAAAAF4/jPQ6G6Nc-1o/s1600-h/IMG_3076.JPG
before i head out.
my sisters are great. fact.
sing alongs
Today I've had a myriad of songs playing through my head. Namely the Arthur theme song, Can't Fight This Feeling, and Haven't Met You Yet. Crazy how some songs just get lodged into your cranium and don't let go. Some might just bring back nostalgia like Arthur, some might just be fun to sing like Feeling, and some might just be something you need to hear over and over again. This is so true with Haven't Met You Yet. Kinda the opposite of a love song, it's about knowing how excited he will be about a future love, but he just hasn't met her yet. Preeeetttttyyy much sums up my life right now.
plucking petals.
It's amazing what words can do to ease the soul or to energize it. Strange how one person can make the days imperfections and tribulations seemingly better by just a smile or a quick conversation. Interesting how it's those conversations that I think about for the rest of the day. Nothing important. Just snip its of our lives, our pasts, and our thoughts on the future. He really makes my days better, even if I don't do the same for him. I enjoy him and I'm fine with just that.
alto tones are stuck in my head
I don't think it's that I want to love him again, I just want to love. I miss investing my heart in someone. I miss comforting and helping someone, I miss delighting in each other, I miss being a part of something outside of my self.
all the world would fly like a flurry, when i take you out in a surrey!
duh moments
So I haven't written in a while and I've finally had some decent thoughts, so here goes.