Friday Rob came to pick me up and we went to see 500 Days of Summer here in Nashville. While I was mad with Zooey Daschanels character by the end, it was a very very cute movie. I loved Joseph Gordon Levitt. I was expecting a more nerdy introverted character like a Michael Cera but he was confident and charming without the looks of one of Hollywood's leading men. That's the kind of guy I think I gravitate toward. Someone not every single girl is fawning over.
Anyway, lots of cute lines, and a pretty great message about finding the right one at the right time. No "Away We Go", but still very good. Definitely better than Funny People, The Ugly Truth, or the other trash Hollywood has put out this summer.
Rob and I then went to eat at SATCo, which I can honestly say is probably my favorite Nashville restaurant. MMM talking about it just makes me want it even more. :) We then hunted down f.y.e on West End to take advantage of their single cds all being $9.99, and I had about 4 things picked out until my conscience gnawed away at me and told me to put everything back. But hey there's always birthday and christmas. :)
Friday night Emily and I had a girl's night and went to the new Japanese restaurant Samurai at home. You could choose Hibachi or Fine Dining. We chose the latter because I really wanted to try the sushi. We had a coupon for a free appetizer so we got the popcorn shrimp... oh man. Maybe the best appetizer I've ever had. The salad not so much, but the soup was good, and when the entree actually came I was very surprised. 8 of each kind of sushi, california (definitely the best), vegetable, salmon, and tuna. The last two I was very disgusted by, but Sunday night i cooked them and they were actually better (imagine that!). All in all, a very fun experience, but pretty pricey. Though not more than Fuji's or Kobe's.
Saturday I went to the US Space and Rocket Center with my family and Rob, and we had a lot of fun! (see photos on facebook). We saw the IMAX movie Magnificent Desolation narrated by Tom Hanks. I promise you anything that man does is good. (yes even angels and demons.) But the movie got me to thinking, we no longer have heroes anymore. You probably read that and thought 'Well what about the men and women serving over seas?'. And yes you are correct. They are heroes, but I mean the heroes of history that dared to do something different. Something never tried before. It was all risky business, they succeeded and America put them on their shoulders for a few decades.

The film touched on the fact that young kids in America today hardly have any clue who the first men to walk on the moon were. And it's sad that the people they know the most are rappers, actors, or sports figures, whose lives are so screwed up they have no redeeming qualities.
I was discussing this with my family, and Rob made the observation that we no longer have heroes because everyone's lives are put in the media so much. I personally think that if Lance Armstrong had peaked in the 1960s, he would've been huge. I mean a guy who can win what like 7 Tour de Frances on top of having testicular cancer is a huge winner in my books. But the fact that he left his wife for Sheryl Crow turned me off of his possible Heroic nature.
Olympic athletes are heroes, Michael Phelps won 8 medals for heavens sake! But then he goes and gets busted for using marijuana. Point is, we all have flaws. So then, who do we put our hope in? America desperately needed people to put their hope and faith in in the Stormy Sixties (as the American Pageant put it ;) ) and the astronauts were just the right people. And now that we're in such a sticky and corrupted time now, I feel like there is no better time for a hero to show up.
I am patiently waiting for you.
After the museum we came home and saw Funny People which absolutely blew. As bad as some of the movies have been this summer, I have never wanted to get up and leave one. But Funny People made me want to. Sure it was Judd Apatow, and maybe I haven't seen enough of his stuff to know what to expect, but even the 40 year old virgin wasn't as bad as this. Enough f words to last me the rest of the year, and enough male body humor to last me the rest of my life. I'm sorry, that stuff is NOT funny. There is more in this world to poke fun at than your problems down there. Ugh, I really honestly loathed that movie.
And I hate it when movies put you in bad moods. For the rest of the night I just was in this funk I couldn't push away. Sure that sounds childish, but no movie should make you feel like that, unless it was just some super depressing documentary about starving African orphans, or the dying breed of the pygmy puff.
Sorry, that was enough of a rant.
Sunday I went to JoZoara with Nickarus and got a Moose Track blended coffee. Oh mylanta. Best thing I've ever put in my mouth. And I guess the other notable thing about yesterday is that I finished Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers. What a great book! I can see why all my friends adore it so. It had a message I definitely needed to hear. How I wish I could have the faith of Michael Hosea, or the love for people like he did. It's making me reassess some things in my life that definitely need reassessing.
What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all--how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things? -Romans 8:31-32
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