
you're the voice inside my head, the reason that i'm singing...

Dreams are a funny thing. I've always been able to vividly remember dreams. And sometimes, I see them play out in real life, so I get extreme deja vu. I bet I get more deja vu than any normal person should...

Anyway, my dream last night was really interesting. I was at some beach house that was way too close to the ocean for comfort. In fact, the waves were washing against the windows next to where I was sleeping. I just kept thinking, hmm this is how I'm going to die. But then the Jonas Brothers were there singing right in front of me. I'm really weird in my dreams, I know I'm sleeping, so I'll sleep in my dreams and tell whatever is going on to cut it out, because I'm sleeping here!!! That was a major problem right after pledging was over, I kept dreaming the actives were in my room trying to wake me up to do things for them, and I just kept sitting up and telling them to go away because I was sleeping.

One of the first things I'm going to ask God when I get to heaven is why we dreams the things we dream. Sometimes they are obvious, things we were heavily thinking about before we fell asleep, or some current event (like my constant dreams about tornadoes after Good Friday), but others are so random, it makes me wonder if our subconscious is trying to tell us something about ourselves we don't know. This reasoning actually made me overthink so many dreams in my life that it's almost absurd. Mostly dealing with the feelings I thought I subconciously harbored for certain males. hahaha

I bet when I make it up to the pearly gates I won't even care to ask anymore. Or maybe it'll just be obvious. Perhaps we each have angels assigned to us to create dreams for our/their amusement. If so, I can't wait to be an angel, I would have a LOT of fun with that assignment. :)

I went to Newk's with my good friend Kim last night and had the Newk's Favorite Salad. Oh man. Delish. I really think I have a penchant for a good fruity/nutty/gorgonzola-y salad. My other favorite salad in the world is Panera's Fandango salad. They haven't had it in a while which I'm very sad about, but I think it comes back in the fall.

But enough about food. Let's talk video games. Rob bought Grand Theft Auto IV the other day, and I know, I know, it's morally degrading and has the reputation for corrupting young children, but oh my goodness is it fun to crash vehicles and helicopters, and run into people. :) But as fun as that is, I'm so excited for the Sims 3 next tuesday!!! It's finally coming out for Mac, so I'm heading to Target I think as soon as it opens and getting it. I think it'll be my summer addiction. Which is totally fine with me, especially since Glee can't be. :(

Speaking of summer shows, I guess all I have to watch this summer is Secret Life, there's no way I'm getting sucked into So You Think You Can Dance or Wipeout. Goodness, where do they come up with the idea for something like that? I guess it is mildly amusing, but just mildly.

Recently Rented Movies

  • The DaVinci Code- just catching up for Angels and Demons, I think I definitely like A&D better, however, treasure hunts are always good movie plots.
  • Eagle vs. Shark- Jemaine Clement from Flight of the Conchords is in this, and virtually played the same kinda role, with Napoleon Dynamite mixed in, if ND was set in New Zealand. Wouldn't watch again, but it was cute.
  • Syncedoche, NY- awful awful awful awful movie. do not even waste the time reading the box. gosh, i should've known with Phillip Seymour Hoffman being the main star. ick, seriously I wasted two and half hours of my life watching this.
  • Ghost Town- Loved this movie. Ricky Gervais is actually a good serious actor! And it's one of the few movies that doesn't end in a cliche'. Woot for that.

oh gosh, I'm haunted by the Jonas.

Currently listening to Gotta Find You- Joe Jonas.


it's the start of something new...

So after some major debate with myself, I have decided to start a blog. I'm not that interesting so it may be a bust, but hey, I like to write, so what do I have to lose? :)

I guess I should share a bit about myself. I'm 19, attend Lipscomb University where I'll be a sophomore in the fall. I'm rather excited about going back because I am going to Vienna, Austria to study abroad!! I love photography, and I'm sure this blog will slowly develop into a showcase of stuff I do... that is if I can ever get models. Ha. But I have plenty of other things that I love that I've done that I'll put up.

I love to read. Meg Cabot books are my downfall. Currently I'm reading Queen of Babble Gets Hitched, which is the third book in that series. Speaking of Meg Cabot, you should check out her diary/blog
here. She's mainly the inspiration for me finally going public.

Currently I'm majoring in American Studies, which is a mix of history, poly sci, theater, and lit. Which is all up my alley, except poly sci. I'm not sure why I suck so much at that... Anywho, so I guess I'm not entirely sure what I want to do with it, save for the fact that I'm pretty sure I'll enjoy it all. Who knows what I'll end up doing...

Right now I'm on this cooking fix. I keep thinking of weird recipes in my head. Like grilled peaches (which granted I sorta got the idea from my old flute teacher), and trying really hard to find an easy cannoli recipe. AHHH I LOVE CANNOLIS! :D

Best movie so far this summer... Star Trek. Hands down. Great special effects, and while I had no idea what was going on going into it, I didn't feel that confused. Except I'm still a little lost on what red matter is... Looks like a huge bubble of blood to me... buhlud!! It's not funnnneeeee!! (sorry I digress...)

My summer plans are pretty wide open. Lots of work, an occasional road trip (Holiday World/Indiana/King's Island this weekend, and Metropolis, IL in a few weeks haha), and the slow formation of a band. But I've had a great time back so far, even if I haven't unpacked any of my college stuff, and my room looks like a bomb exploded in it. The only clear space is the side of the bed I sleep on. :/

Every blog needs some current issue musings... so Glee. Has the possibility of being my most favorite show ever. However, since it is starting in the fall, I won't be able to support it sufficiently. I just thought it was so genious. It wasn't an ounce like my high school choir, but I felt like I did when I was there just watching it. A very happy place :)

Nashville and its' surrounding areas has definitely seen its' share of rain lately. But today, quickly walking back to work in the middle of a downpour was oddly refreshing. I have always loved the smell of rain, and being smack dab of the middle of it made me want to just stop and inhale it all. Sadly I had nachos and technology in my hands that probably shouldn't be soaked, so I kept hurrying on. I think rain may be my favorite part of living in the south. It makes everything so gorgeous, and I'd rather live with rain and green, than no rain, perfect weather, and lots and lots of dirt. Rain in the summer is definitely the best. I played in the puddles around my house the other day with my sister and I felt like a 5 year old again. It was so wonderful :)

Well this is probably enough for today.

Movies So Far:

  • Star Trek 9/10
  • Angels and Demons 6/10
  • Night at the Museum 6/10
  • Wolverine 5/10
  • Ghosts of Girlfriends Past 4/10

Currently Listening to: A Matter of Time by Jukebox the Ghost