
the sister blog.

My club might be small, but I'm actually realllllly ok with that. It allows me to be close to every single one of these lovely ladies. :)
My Grand-big- Melissa
- Such a sweet spirit even after so many tough things in life. She is my confidante in everything.

- Such a beautiful girl, with an equally beautiful fiance'. ;) We really connected at formal last year, and she is still one of my favorite people to talk to.

El Presidente- Sara
-I didn't really get close to my club until last semester and Sara really aided in that when I did her engagement pictures. Such a precious girl.

- So one of the loveliest people in my life. I don't get to hang out with her much, but she is amazing when I do.

-I just had the pleasure of spending this weekend with this girl. Man what memories. From Dirty Diana, barefootedness, and Asian babies, she never leaves me without a laugh.

-Always something to talk about with this girl. Hard to find her sometimes, but when I run into her it's a blessing. :)

-The resident tomboy, honestly never thought I would be friends with her, but has surprised me and is one of my favorite people ever. So honest yet I could trust her with everything.

-Such a sweetheart. Quiet, but when she speaks you listen. Lovesss her :)

-My rooooomie. So many adventures with her, always has my back, and always laughs at my absurdity even if I feel completely awkward.

-I have known this girl for a while and have always thought she was precious, and I am SO stoked she is in my club now. It's been awesome that we've been able to reconnect.

- I wasn't here last semester (duh) but this girl has made it so easy to come back to the club. She's a pledge class behind me, but I feel like she's been my sister for forever.

there will be a new update with inductions :)


before i head out.

my sisters are great. fact.

i love each and every single one of them. pictures and reasons why i'm going to save for sunday.

D-E-L-T-A X-I DELTA XI whooop whooop DELTA XI!!



sing alongs

Today I've had a myriad of songs playing through my head. Namely the Arthur theme song, Can't Fight This Feeling, and Haven't Met You Yet. Crazy how some songs just get lodged into your cranium and don't let go. Some might just bring back nostalgia like Arthur, some might just be fun to sing like Feeling, and some might just be something you need to hear over and over again. This is so true with Haven't Met You Yet. Kinda the opposite of a love song, it's about knowing how excited he will be about a future love, but he just hasn't met her yet. Preeeetttttyyy much sums up my life right now.

i'm not surprised
not everything lasts
i've broken my heart so many times i stopped keeping track
talked myself in
talked myself out
i get all worked up
and then i let myself down

i tried so very hard not to lose it
i came up with a million excuses
i thought i thought of every possibility

and i know someday it'll all work out
you'll make it work so we can work to work it out
and i promise you kid that i'll give so much more than i get
i just haven't met you yet.

i might have to wait
i'll never give up
i guess it's half timing
the other half's luck
where ever you are
whenever it's right
you'll come out of no where
and into my life

and i know that we can be so amazing
and baby your love is gonna change me
and now i can see every possibility

and somehow i know it'll all work out
and we can work so we can work to work it out
and i promise you kid i'll give so much more than i get
i just haven't met you yet.


plucking petals.

It's amazing what words can do to ease the soul or to energize it. Strange how one person can make the days imperfections and tribulations seemingly better by just a smile or a quick conversation. Interesting how it's those conversations that I think about for the rest of the day. Nothing important. Just snip its of our lives, our pasts, and our thoughts on the future. He really makes my days better, even if I don't do the same for him. I enjoy him and I'm fine with just that.

So I think for Lent, instead of giving UP something, I want to DO something for 40 days. I know blogging is really supposed to help your writing skills, so I think I'm going to try and write something every day on here. Nobody has to enjoy it, or even read it, in fact I'm fine if no one does. Every day presents me with something new to love or enjoy or just think about. So here is todays.

Tonight really struck me with the realization that my words can cut deeper than I know. Chapel was very interesting today, very different, and very shocking. Honestly I saw what was coming from the beginning and then zoned out for the rest of it. I did not think about it for the rest of the day. But sadly it was joked about all afternoon. I think being here at Lipscomb we all think we all have the same mindset on every issue, so we feel ok just speaking our minds when we don't agree with it. As I've learned in persuasion this is called Cognitive Dissonance. Someone speaks about something we don't like and we go crazy trying to right it in our minds. Sucks, but that's the way we are.

However, after tonight I have realized we don't have to be so vocal about it all. Geez, I think about all the things I've said now and wonder who I hurt. I'm sorry.


For valentine's Day

Watch this, it made my heart happy.


alto tones are stuck in my head

I don't think it's that I want to love him again, I just want to love. I miss investing my heart in someone. I miss comforting and helping someone, I miss delighting in each other, I miss being a part of something outside of my self.

All this to say... I'm doing wonderfully. I think God has lined up some perfect opportunities in my path that I will be so lucky to take part in. We are four weeks away from spring break!! I really cannot say how much I am looking forward to more family time. I was able to meet up with my parents last night to make a car switcheroo and I was so glad that happened. I've been pretty stressed out lately by all sorts of things, and it's always calming to just talk everything out with them and get their take on things.

I received a "new" car yesterday. It's my mom's "old" Honda Civic, and though I complained about it, I am happy to receive it, even if I teared up a little leaving my Chrysler. She had been with my through the good times and the bad. ;) My mom got a Rogue, which looks pretty phenomenal from the website, and hey if Heroes endorses it, it has to be pretty snazzy.

Speaking of Heroes. I'm not sure they got renewed, and the season just ended this past week. So many things were successfully finished but it still left me wanting more. Maybe they could do a spin off with Claire? All I knows is that I was in love with Sylar all over again by the end of it. Oh Zachary Quinto. :D

I enjoy the Olympics as much as the next person but I will definitely miss my shows. The Office was actually pretty good this past week, Vampire Diaries left in a crazy way, Big Bang was hilarious, and 30 Rock showed that maybe Jack will find an acceptable love, even if it's with Elizabeth Banks.

30 Rock has been great this season. So far this has been my favorite episode.


wait til the end, it's the best. :)

Need to get on my Persuasion test, Marissa and I are getting angry at it. ;)


all the world would fly like a flurry, when i take you out in a surrey!

Why can't things be like musicals?

We caught Sound of Music at the wedding, and we just started Oklahoma. Since I was a child I wanted a man like Curley. Gordon MacRae was such a looker and what a voice. If I could have a man sing to me like that... whew my life would be complete. :)


duh moments

So I haven't written in a while and I've finally had some decent thoughts, so here goes.

It's funny how life changes. One semester in Europe finds some friendships dismal and others full of life. A new semester brings fresh heartaches and high flying joys. Learning more things about myself than I did in a relationship or even in Europe just by being alone again.

I know I always talk boy problems on here but I've finally decided something for myself.

I am terribly excited about Perth. Probably just as much as I was for Vienna. And when I get excited about something I tend to think about that and only that. So why should I do that to another boy, when that clearly pushed the last one away? Not that anyone is banging on my door, no boy is blowin' up my phone phone (Ke$ha reference anyone?). But I definitely need to stop looking. I have several great guy friends at school, that if I were being honest with myself would never work out, and that's what they need to remain. Because like my mother says, it's always good to have guy friends around. (especially since I miss David Corlew and Nicholas Keel like crazy all the dang time) So yeah. That's my resolution. Plus I'm not entirely sure my heart is ready for another relationship so quickly. I need to be happy with myself instead of basing my worth on what a male thinks of me.

I hate going to a Church of Christ school though. You have to be engaged before you graduate it seems... I'm no where near that mentally or literally. So does that mean I fail getting a degree (of the MRS variety)? I guess. 22 is just two short years away from me right now, and I would have to grow up so much before I could even consider attaching myself to another human being for the rest of my life.

God works in just the right ways, so I know the perfect one will come into my life when it's right and perfect and wonderful. I just have to keep telling myself that in a school full of mushy couples with rings on their fingers...

This is a duh entry. So don't say I told you so.

-DeltaNANANA (this Friday at 7 in Alumni!!)
-Perth Australia!!!!
-Pledging (yes, strange but I really love any excuse to hang out with my sisters!!)
-SPRING BREAK (because a. I miss my family, especially my sister b. DISNEY c. HARRY POTTER WORLD ;D )
-Potential Freed visit with my favoritest cousin ever??
-Two upcoming TPAC visits
-Owl City concert
-Winterfest (strange yes, but completely free to me!!!)
-Singrama (whether I get hostess or not)
-Formal (wherever that is)
-Possible Chicago visit to see my favorite boy ever!
-Possibly internship with photographer??
-More engagement/wedding/baby/people photo shoots!!!

So I have a great life. One I'm particularly excited about. :)