
16 days til my next adventure starts!! I will hopefully be keeping up with this blog while I'm there as well. We calculated the travel time... I think we will be traveling for more than a day... about 26 hours. So crazy that it takes so long to get to the other side of the world, but then again, it is the other side of the world...

So have you been keeping up with Glee? Isn't it fabulous? We're about 5 days away from the season finale. I'm not even sure when it's supposed to be coming back in the fall or if they're going to wait until after the Super Bowl to start. My 80 Glee songs on my iPod will have to wait that long I guess.

I'm getting really excited about so many things. But there's always so many things to be excited about. :)

1 remarks:

Amy said...

I'm so jealous you're going to Australia. I've wanted to go there since like fifth grade.